Sunday, April 13, 2008

A long time

So it's been over a month since my last post.
And, as you can see, I can't never stick to something that I start off doing. I only made it to day 29 of posting for the fast. That almost makes you think that I gave up on the fast but actually, I didn't. I made it through the fast and it turned out to be harder this year than it was last year.
The fast last year was only 30 days and this year it was 10 days longer but it turned out to be hard.
I'm glad that it's over though.

I'm starting school this week and am real excited about it. I don't think I'll have any time for my casual reading once school starts though but that will be alright for me. At least starting off it will be. I'll be so excited with school that I will definitely need to pace myself when it comes to my assignments.

I haven't been in school for 10 years and that is a long time to be out and then to return. But this time, I'm determined to finish. And I know I will make it. I'm even thinking about going until I have my PhD. Now wouldn't that be great. I at least want to have my bachelors before my oldest graduates from HS in 6 years. I think it could even be possible that I'd be getting my masters when she's getting her diploma if I work really hard.

Well, that's enough babbling and I'll try to write more often.

Until next time,
God Bless.